
Current Trainings from the Montana CSPD (Comprehensive System for Personnel Development)

  Since all trainings are currently virtual, it is easy to take a training from ANY of the CSPD regions.  You can view and register for events from each region:    Region 1 Events  Region 2 Events  Region 3 Events Region 4 Events Region 5 Events   You can also sign up for each Region's newsletter to be informed of upcoming events as soon as they become available:    Region 1  CSDP Coordinator email Region 2  CSPD Coordinator email Region 3  Newsletter sign-up link  Region 4  Newsletter sign-up link Region 5  CSPD Coordinator email The Office of Public Instruction also has mailing lists to stay informed of training opportunities. You can  sign up here .  We hope to see you at a training soon!

Topics with Shawna Heiser

Presenter - Shawna Heiser    Miles City Sleep Inn, March 10th & 11th Functions of Behaviors, Accommodations for students with Behavior Needs, SEL, and Teacher Self-Care and more.  REGISTER HERE MARCH 10  ABC Data, Data Management, Progress Monitoring, Supporting Para Educators and more.  REGISTER HERE MARCH 11 Learning Objectives: After attending this session, participants will Identify why difficult behaviors are occurring, and what to do to change the inappropriate behaviors. Gain knowledge about neurodiversity in students and trauma responses to every day school demands. Gain knowledge about regular education or 504 accommodations in the classroom and how to properly implement them for our students. Get information on what positive behavioral interventions can be most effectively utilized with students with trauma or differing disabilities.

Check In/Check Out

Presenter - Joe Moria rt y Friday, February 11th 8:30am-3:30pm @ Richland County Ext en sion Office REGISTER HERE Check-In/Check-Out Behavior Intervention & PBIS PBIS initiatives help to improve school culture and climate by teaching and reinforcing positive behaviors. The majority of students in any given school will not need supports beyond Tier 1. However, for the roughly 15% of students who need behavior intervention support beyond the supports of Tier 1 PBIS implementation, there is Tier 2. The Check-In/Check-Out behavior intervention is a commonly used option for behavior supports within Tier 2.Tier 2 interventions provide additional support for students who need more support to meet their goals socially, emotionally, and/or academically. The objective of Tier 2 is to provide students with the tools to self-govern, allowing them to move back into to Tier 1. There are a number of interventions at this level to assist in that goal. Because Tier 2 interventions apply to a...

Effective Classroom Instructional Practices (AKA The Great 8)

Presenter - Joe Moriarty Thursday, February 10th 4:15pm-7:15pm @ Richland County Extension Office REGISTER HERE This course explores the 8 effective classroom practices from the National Positive Behavioral Interventions and Support (PBIS) technical assistance center. Participants will identify three priority practices for their own classrooms, explore all eight practices, and create an action plan for immediate implementation.

Understanding the Power of Guidance; It’s a WIN /WIN for Children & Adults (Gr K-12)

Presenter - Stephanie Lester REGISTRATION is open on the WMCSPDRegistration page. Virtual sessions   4pm to 6pm March 2, March 3, 2022 T hese sessions  will forever change the way you look at opportunities to guide children in your classroom! Both you and your students will be winners when you implement the principles of guidance.  Effectively guiding children is a BIG part of every educator’s day! The principles of guidance will be presented along with practical classroom management strategies that create and sustain a positive classroom environment. The functions of behavior, strategies, and action steps to addressing inappropriate behaviors will be shared. Real life scenarios will be discussed and practical applications shared. Come prepared to leave excited and ready to implement the principles of guidance!

Classroom-Based Strategies to Boost Engagement, Active Participation, and Attendance

Presenter - Jessica Sprick   REGISTRATION is open on the WMCSPDRegistration page. Virtual sessions Jan 17  1pm to 4pm Feb 21 1pm to 4 pm This session focuses on ways to meaningfully engage all students in your classroom, boosting attendance, and increasing student success! Learn ways to create and enhance a positive and invitational classroom climate that enhances each student’s sense of belongingness and motivation to participate in the learning environment. This session will provide a strong focus on different instructional activities and participation techniques you can use to actively engage learners in classroom instruction. Learn a variety of ways to get all students richly participating, despite differing ability levels, strengths, and needs for support. Participants will also learn practical, easy-to-implement, and effective strategies for building a culture of attendance in your classroom, so that all students are present and participating. Bonus -The first 35 ...

Math Diagnostic Grades K-12

Presenter - Rhonda Birnie REGISTRATION is open on the WMCSPD Registration page. Virtual Sessions Jan 27, Feb 24, March 10, 2022 (sessions are 4pm to 6pm)    Session 1 In session 1 we will explore the GLOSS math diagnostic and learn how to give the diagnostic to students. Participants will have all the materials to give the diagnostic to a student between sessions 1 and 2 and bring the information with them to session 2. Session 2 In session 2 we will analyze diagnostics given to students. We will determine what the diagnostic tells us about a student’s mathematical understanding and troubleshoot any issues that came up when giving the diagnostic to students . Session 3  In Session 3 we will plan intervention instruction using the information from the diagnostic assessment. We will analyze intervention materials and develop a 30-day plan for our targeted students.