Classroom-Based Strategies to Boost Engagement, Active Participation, and Attendance

Presenter - Jessica Sprick  

REGISTRATION is open on the WMCSPDRegistration page.

Virtual sessions

Jan 17  1pm to 4pm

Feb 21 1pm to 4 pm

This session focuses on ways to meaningfully engage all students in your classroom, boosting attendance, and increasing student success! Learn ways to create and enhance a positive and invitational classroom climate that enhances each student’s sense of belongingness and motivation to participate in the learning environment. This session will provide a strong focus on different instructional activities and participation techniques you can use to actively engage learners in classroom instruction. Learn a variety of ways to get all students richly participating, despite differing ability levels, strengths, and needs for support. Participants will also learn practical, easy-to-implement, and effective strategies for building a culture of attendance in your classroom, so that all students are present and participating.

Bonus -The first 35 registered participants who attend both sessions will receive these books  shipped to them free, to support their ongoing learning, 

The books include: 

  • "Explicit Instruction" by Anita Archer & Charles A. Hughes  
  • "Teacher’s Guide to Tackling Attendance Challenges" by Jessica Sprick and Tricia Berg

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