Math Diagnostic Grades K-12
Presenter - Rhonda Birnie
REGISTRATION is open on the WMCSPD Registration page.
Virtual Sessions
Jan 27, Feb 24, March 10, 2022 (sessions are 4pm to 6pm)
Session 1
In session 1 we will explore the GLOSS math diagnostic and learn how to give the diagnostic to students. Participants will have all the materials to give the diagnostic to a student between sessions 1 and 2 and bring the information with them to session 2.
Session 2
In session 2 we will analyze diagnostics given to students. We will determine what the diagnostic tells us about a student’s mathematical understanding and troubleshoot any issues that came up when giving the diagnostic to students.
Session 3
In Session 3 we will plan intervention instruction using the information from the diagnostic assessment. We will analyze intervention materials and develop a 30-day plan for our targeted students.